Monday 21 April 2008

Final day in Oaxaca City

Our last day together we spent back in Oaxaca City.

We tried to starve ourselves in anticipation of our 7-course taster meal at Casa Crespo.

So, to start, it's cactus, with blue maize flour, fried pig-skin ball and hibiscus sauce - it's a good start..

Then we're onto ceviche with tomato foam and pineapple reduction (Daisy's favourite by far)!

Then randomly a man appeared to fill up the fountain with his, er, big hose...

But there was no rest for us, onto red snapper with pine nuts and avocado base (which even Ian ate, even though he's not keen on avocado)...

And on we go - avocado and prawns mousse with a red sauce and a green one, they were very nice, but I'd had too much wine by then to remember what type of sauce they were, but they were very nice....

Wow - then came the beef steak (arrachera) with, wait for it, coffee topping and banana sauce - it was sublime!

We were the only people at Casa Crespo that evening - wonderful to have the place to ourselves.

Course Six - well not so filling, Jamaica with mint tea - to clear the mouth apparently.

And to finish, wonderful Oaxacan chocolate mousse with 'fake air'. A fine way to end a marvellous trip.

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