Monday 1 February 2010

Catching up

It's been a hefty few days for my Spanish. Sunday afternoon saw us at lunch with friends Mariet and Enrique and the rest of the family. Daisy used to play with Pablo and Itamar, their two children, when we were here before, and she didn't let the language barrier get in the way with making friends again.

While I struggled away with trying to referee the children in two languages, Itamar and Daisy compared dollies and wheeled them around in shopping trollies, and Pablo and Daisy shared some time on a tricycle. She clearly has some recollection of Mexican food since she asks for tortillas enthusiastically and has eaten more grilled chicken than I would have thought possible.

Clover was also keen on the tortillas and enjoyed a sleep in a shawl over Mariet's shoulder, Mexican-style.

We've spent time with Eneas and Mari and family, and went for lunch with them today. Daisy enjoyed running around with their grandson, Jeremias (who she calls 'Mias) and wanted to sleep in his bed! They played ball and even played hats - it made me realise how much she needs to play with other kids now, so we need to make sure she has plenty of time with them.

Clover, meanwhile, has been wowing the market stall holders with her blue eyes, and wowing her parents with her ability to stay awake all night. While we are propping our eyes open with matchsticks, she is flirting with all and sundry.

We all enjoyed a trip to the market this morning where we bought a fruit we've never heard of before called PiƱuela. I don't recognise quite a lot of stuff in the market, so it's nice to try something new. A lot of it is very specialist - I've just googled this particular fruit and it turns out to grow here and on the Yucatan peninsular. It is related to the pineapple and tastes a bit like rhubarb. That's a lot of new information for 50p for a large tub.

1 comment:

Sarah xxx said...

Lovely pictures! Really enjoying the blogging, it's great to hear your news.