We also get a taste of Daisy’s empathy, when Eliana falls over (not badly) and Daisy, who up to then had been quite content, takes one look at her and bursts into tears. She’s only had one tiny tumble (off a very low chair), which was clearly enough to teach her that falling over hurts and is in general a bad thing.
Daisy is growing up so fast I can hardly believe it. She chats away to herself, pulling her dummy out and putting it back in, and has taken to grinning at passers-by from her sling as we walk past, so that they want to come over and kiss her. Such a flirt!
She’s also desperate to eat, watching my every mouthful if she’s sitting on my lap over dinner, and sticking everything possible in her mouth.
It has been so wonderful watching her learn to laugh and interact with other people. Playing peep-bo is a big favourite at the moment, and she still loves to hear music and singing. In the absence of any mobiles or other musical toys, she loves to watch the Apple iTunes Visualiser when we play music, which makes shapes in time to the rhythms. I try and kid myself this is educational, and not just getting her addicted to telly.
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